
Instructor: InspiritAI

Workshop, Inspirit AI, 2020

Taught basic python, data science, and machine learning skills to high school students as an instructor for the Inspirit AI winter program. Helped students complete a small project that involved analyzing the COVID-19 genome.

6.036: Intro to ML

Undergraduate course, MIT, EECS, 2020

I was a course assistant for 6.036, Intro to ML, during Spring 2019 and Spring 2020, and am a TA during the 2020-2021 academic year. My duties consisted of answering student questions, giving checkoffs, reviewing content, and clarifying tricky concepts.

Healthcare Design Thinking Workshop

Workshop, MIT India Initiative, 2020

I co-designed and co-taught a course on healthcare problem-solving to passionate students and professionals in Mumbai, India. The curriculum was focused on design thinking, teamwork, and communication skills. One of the teams we mentored, Medi-Assess, placed at the global 2020 Johns Hopkins Healthcare Design Competition.

Co-Instructor: Intro to EECS

Workshop, MIT Educational Studies Program: HSSP, 2019

Designed and taught a course on hands-on introductory EECS topics with a friend. The course was attended by local high school students who came to our class on Saturdays over the summer.

Beautiful Patterns: Coding Workshop

Workshop, Universidad de Panamericana, Engineering, 2019

Assembled materials for and taught a weeklong computer science course introducing young women in Aguascalientes, Mexico to a variety of topics in algorithms, computer programming, and web development.